Friday, October 16, 2015

The Rhythm Tree Music Therapy Kit

I have a niece who is special needs and this kit has opened up so many doors to allow her to bond with the people around her. Not only is it a chance for her to bond with other people but she is also able to enjoy making her own music and you can tell that she really gets into it the whole time. She really likes trying out the different types of instruments in the kit. This music therapy kit also helps her to expand on some of the skills they are working with her on in her classes at the learning center she goes to during the week. It has been great watching her blossom and seeing how happy she is when she hears the music she makes herself. I think the biggest indicator that this is therapeutic for her is the fact that normally she can barely focus on anything for more than a minute at a time but with this kit she can literally focus for 10-15, sometimes even 20 minutes! I received this product in exchange for my honest review. 

You can buy it HERE

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